What If Kids Ran Sports?
Have you ever thought about what Youth Sports might be like if kids ran the show? I know, you probably have visions of “mass chaos” jump into your mind! However, take a second to consider several “non-sport” issues, where kids set the example for adults… How often have you seen video on your news feed of children helping other children, without regard to age, race or gender? How many times have your own children or grandchildren “amazed” you with an astute answer or comment in response to an adult question? Ever heard of Jack Andraka, who developed a new, low-cost test for pancreatic cancer at the age of 15? SeeTEDx Talk (July 2013) Savanna Karmue, who wants to be a cardiologist, started making informational YouTube videos at age 8 & started a non-profit (Happy Heart Advice) by age 11! Many adults will likely ask… “Why would you put the kids in charge? What possible good could they do, with limited experience and resources, not to mention limi...